
I am a 24-year-old sixth-grade teacher who teaches piano lessons in her spare time.  My house is a disaster because I never have time to clean it, and I have 30 pounds I need to lose because I have no time to exercise or eat well.  Basically, I’m tired of how it’s going, and things need to change.

Most of the blogs I’ve read on essentially “fixing your life” approach it from the “I’ve been there, but now I have it all pretty much together” perspective, and they have their share of strategies and detailed, complicated plans that you can follow to the letter if you’re perfect, have amazing self-control, and unlimited time in your day.  If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the wrong place.  I am going to try new things, and some of them will work, but some will not.  My life is essentially an experiment, and this blog is my scientific journal.

I consider myself a fairly simple and straightforward person, so my plan will follow suit.  My plan is simply to cut the crap from my life.  Care to join me?

Follow this blog to share my journey and to receive encouragement on yours, and to learn tips and tricks for time-friendly housekeeping, cooking, losing weight, and budgeting.  If you have any questions, want to know my thoughts on something, or have a request for a blog topic, drop me a line!  I’m happy to help!